
  • Special diet for gastritis with high and low stomach acidity: what can and cannot be eaten with gastritis? Sample menu for a week for patients with gastritis and diet for exacerbation of gastritis.
    28 March 2024
  • Japanese diet 14 days: the essence and origin of the technique, products and rules for their use, menu for each day, pros and cons. What do the Japanese diet and the chemical diet have in common? How many kg can you lose in 14 days?
    25 January 2024
  • Proper nutrition for weight loss: general rules. Differences in diet for men and women. Examples of delicious recipes for weight loss.
    20 November 2023
  • The menu of a protein diet for weight loss and its basics with recommendations from doctors. Advantages and disadvantages, list of permitted and prohibited foods, prediction of protein diet.
    11 November 2023
  • What will help you lose weight in a week and how to do it: safe ways to lose weight in a week, diets, menus and tips on how to lose weight.
    3 November 2023
  • We all want to look perfect on the eve of spring or at an important event. The "favorite" diet for 7 days will help you quickly lose extra pounds and look your best.
    24 October 2023
  • Efficacy and dietary options of buckwheat. How many kg can you lose? Contraindications, advantages and disadvantages. Detailed treatment menu for the week. Allowed and forbidden foods, recipes.
    1 January 2023
  • The fat burning complex should include exercises for weight loss of the whole body: cardio, strength training with weights and body weight.
    14 December 2022
  • The article provides useful information about dieting these.
    11 May 2022
  • There are ways to lose weight fast! It is safe to say that if you are already losing weight or have just started, all 65 methods collected in the article really work.
    12 February 2022
  • Lesenka diet: the menu for 7 days predicts weight loss in several stages. Study the main aspects of this nutritional scheme, recipes for recommended dishes, a list of contraindications.
    12 February 2022
  • Effective weight loss exercises on the abdomen and sides at home will not require any special equipment from you. All you need is sportswear, a rug and a great desire to perform these exercises.
    12 February 2022
  • The Dukan diet is the most popular diet today. What is special about it and how many kg can you lose? Main stages and products allowed, reviews.
    12 February 2022
  • In this article, we will show you in detail how to lose weight without dieting. You just have to adjust your diet, lifestyle and everything will work without hunger strikes!
    11 February 2022